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Wednesday 13 April 2016

Krafty Corners: Reclaim your space!

Do you fret about those unused, under-utilized corners of your precious living you paid through your nose for every square millimeter?

And still, you wonder, what on earth will fit and still look good in that corner besides your brooms and other knick-knacks that you hurriedly stash into these handy corners to hide from plain-view!

Well, I've collected some pretty nifty ideas that you could incorporate for those krafty corners and reclaim your hard-earned territory!

1) Light 'em up!

2) Pot it up

3) Sectional sofas and couches

4) Corner Television

5) Kozy Corners

6) Shelve it in 

7) Jazz it up-corner curio cabinet

8) Art Corner

Phew! I am sure your mind is boggling with all the ideas you just saw! So whatcha waitin' for? Go claim your corner and make it stand out!



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