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Friday 11 December 2015

Couldn't Be Without...What? #WorldAlzheimersDay

This verse is a call-out to all of you out there, men and wake up and take cognizance of this increasingly prevalent, degenerative and damaging mental condition known as Dementia.

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability, severe enough to interfere with daily life, marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning.

We all spend the active phase of our lives in various pursuits, learning, earning, career, family and what-not. 

By the time we reach the stage of spending quality time with our own selves, Dementia may strike......and we are out of the game....out of time!

Alzheimer's disease is the more widely known and most common disorder under the umbrella of Dementia. There are about ten different types of Dementia identified so far!

Research shows that women are more prone to this affliction.

The sad part is, science and technology still hasn't found a way for either preventing or treating this life-devouring condition, that is a part of aging and also genetic make-up.

Understanding what we may be up against in our feebler years, should be our priority NOW!

What is Dementia?


Causes of Dementia


Dementia in Women


Early Warning Signs Of Dementia 


Diagnosing Dementia

We can take heart in the fact that one can delay its onset and maybe even avoid it by following:

1. Regular Exercise

2. Healthy Diet
3. Mental Stimulation
4. Quality sleep
5. Stress Management
6. An active Social life

Read more on preventing Dementia

Research suggests that mentally active persons will have a significant advantage in slowing down the degenerative effect of Dementia.

Some suggested Brain Exercises:

  • Learn something new, such as a second language or a musical instrument.
  • Play board games with your kids or grandkids. Or get your friends together for a weekly game of cards. Mix it up by trying new games. The extra bonus of activities like these? Social connections also help your brain.
  • Work on crossword, number, or other kinds of puzzles.
  • Play online memory games or video games.
  • Read, write, or sign up for local adult education classes.


Brain Exercises and their role in preventing/advancing Dementia

Lastly a word reaching out to all those affected by this condition, though they may be unaware the immediate family members, the care-givers of the affected persons. 

Be brave, you are not alone in this fight. 

Coping with Dementia day-in and day-out in your loved ones can be one of the most challenging things you may ever come across in life.

Patience, Patience and more Patience coupled with Love and Understanding is how you can go about it. 
Remember, garnering outside help to give yourself a respite is not a terrible thing to do!
Don't be too harsh on yourself for losing your patience occasionally, but seek help when it is ruining your own balance.

Read here on coping with Dementia as a Care-Giver.....


What can you do, if you are diaganosed with Dementia/Alzheimer's?


Understanding the Dementia Situation in India

I request each and everyone of you to Read and Share this post widely!

The awareness and response to this slow-killer has to spread.



This post is for reference purpose only. 
I have to the best of my knowledge and understanding suggested reference links to popular medical websites.
The authenticity of the medical facts stated here, will have to be verified by the reader.


This post was written in response to a #WritePrompt #CannotDoWithout from @Blogchatter - a wonderful platform for bloggers from every genre, that encourages, motivates and educates on everything blogging!

Copyright © 2015 KALA RAVI


  1. Kala *slow clap* thank you so much for employing blogchatter prompt to spread such an important message. In fact I say even blogging is a way to combat this, being idle is the worst thing one can do to their mental fitness.

    1. Thanks a lot Richa. I think all of us need to consciously spread the word around so that more awareness regarding this dreadful condition is created. And blogging is one great way to keep those grey cells active!

  2. Always prevention is better than cure.Thank you Kala for giving some best remedy for slowing down dementia by active brain work and a lot of social contacts.

    1. Thank you so much. Glad you found the information useful. Share the same!

  3. Kala, thank you for highlighting such an important mental disability. So many people are faced with this horror and you have tried to answer most of the key questions here.
    The last line of the poem broke my heart. Well done!

    1. Thanks Aditi. Yes indeed a horror, especially to the ones watching their loved ones having it.

  4. Wow! I am speechless. The way you have used the prompt to convey such an important message is wonderful! Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Reema! Do share the same and spread the awareness around.

  5. Kala...I am at a loss of words! Hats off girl.

  6. Thanks for this article Kala . Due to a sudden fall in Sodium and Potassium level in blood my mother had a partial dementia attack . Its painful for the patient and also for people around . Such a great use of a writing prompt . Way to go #blogbuddy

  7. Terrific piece Kala! So much valuable information provided. I'm sure it will be a huge help. You had said in your comments on my blog that your grandmother had dementia. I have a feature going on Wednesdays where I encourage people to write about their experiences dealing with dementia. I would love for you to share your story. If you're interested email me at Also, I really like your blog as well the header is beautiful and the colors are so warm and friendly. If you ever decide to move to WordPress please keep me in mind to handle your migration!

  8. Heart touching post, Kala !!! Lovely poem and very useful info !!! Thanks for this !!!

  9. Emotionally weaved wonderful piece of essential information dear Kala :)

  10. In the United States, the major organization fighting this most dread of conditions is running an ad saying the first person who will be cured is alive today - let's so hope that is true, but so much more study is needed. I used to exercise walk with someone whose sister was taken (early onset) in her 60's. A cure must be found.

  11. I remember this piece it was amazing. I left a comment above haha! I'm glad I came back to read it again. Sharing this everywhere!

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