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Wednesday 16 March 2016

Why I am taking up the #AtoZChallenge?

This is a question that I have been asking myself and in turn one that many of my friends in the blogging world are asking me! Especially since I enrolled my name in the list pretty late, second week of March (I am signed up as Relax-N-Rave: No 1047)! What pushed me to do that, especially this late?

Well, I had been hearing a lot about this challenge since quite some time, but never gave it further thought after I learned it was to be month-long daily posting challenge. 

Given the fact that I have never published more than two posts a week, I consider/ed it to be a next to impossible task for me to pull off!

Believe it or not I signed up for the challenge on an impulse when all I could see and hear around me was A to Z on Twitter and Facebook.

The buzz and the excitement surrounding this challenge is tremendous and mighty contagious I tell else do I explain my decision, especially when I had no intention to pursue it in the first place!

As typical of me, jump first, think later....I signed up and only later ventured to check out the rules! Not sure all of 'em have registered with someone so rule-allergic as me!

The theme reveal has to happen on March 21st...gee, I am not sure I want to take up a theme!
Folks are talking about pre-scheduling posts, many have in fact already written all the posts and waiting for the gunshot to go off on April 1st!

Some wonderful platforms for bloggers are helping out many like me at sea with their insightful and helpful tips and tricks with their past experiences with the Challenge to help us tide through the exciting month of Apr'16! Thanks people!

Folks wish me luck to persevere and pull this off! 

Fingers crossed, pounding heart, AToZ here I come!

I am staking claim to A to Z Challenge along with Blogchatter community 

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