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Monday 10 October 2016

Love in Frames - Frame 1


Image source: Pixabay

Love in Frames is a little series I am doing that reminisces first love
In fact, I'd been contemplating whether I should schedule this series for more opportune times, perhaps closer to Valentine's Day? But heck, does LOVE actually time itself? It could strike you anytime, anywhere, right?
First Love is all about the innocence, the tenderness, the surprise, the longing, the curiosity, the discovery and the freshness of the whole journey called LOVE! 
Come, join me on this lovely trail......and ahem, it is General Audiences content; just in case you are wondering ;)

Can it really be so long ago? Why, it feels like just yesterday that I saw you for the first time!
Oh, what a messy girl you were, slurping that ice ‘gola’ like your life depended on it! I saw your eyes scrunching and squinting while your tongue was savoring its sour tang. You didn’t see me but that suited me fine, for I could blissfully gawk at you to my heart’s content without getting caught. Your unruly curls framed your impish face and your eyes danced with mischief as you thrust an entire ice-candy down one of your friends’ back. I smiled to myself as I watched the squeals and screams ensue.
What was it about you? Why did you catch my fancy? I wondered. Something the others didn’t have, something I didn’t have, but something I craved to have!
Your joie de vivre burst through every pore of your being, blinding any physical inequities you may have possessed! Your laughter bubbled louder, your smile wider and your eyes merrier than others around you. You were just so happy, so alive!
It was love at first sight for me. I knew it then! This was the face and this was the person I wanted to wake up to every morning of my life. How could I be so sure….I’ll never know!

“Vivek, Vivek, VI….VEK! Wake up will you? I am going to be so, so, so late today! Taran has football practice and Ansh has a holiday today….God, what am I going to do with him? He’ll wreak havoc if we leave him at home all alone like last time. Got it! I’ll take him with me to office and you drop Taran for the practice, he’ll go to school from there. Don’t forget to pick him up in the evening. No packed lunch for you today, go enjoy your canteen, lucky boy!” Diya was hustling all over the place, folding this, tucking that and chattering continuously.
Vivek watched her from bed, his head perched over his arm. Boy, could she multi-task or what! She was tugging at the sheets now, “Get up will you lazy bones, what’s with that puppy-eyed look, huh?” she muttered while she managed to free the sheets stuck beneath Vivek.
“What do you mean puppy-eyed? I was lusting after you woman!” he said with a growl. Getting out of bed, he stretched himself and lunged to pull her towards him, enveloping her in a bear hug.
“Oh, let go will you, I am so late today, I still have to get the kids ready….if I manage to wake them up, pack lunch, set breakfast and God knows so much more! I told you a late night party, mid-week, was a bad idea…see my whole routine’s gone for a toss,” she sighed, trying to pull away from him but finally gave in; laying her cheek against his warm chest. “We are going to be late you know,” she mumbled, cuddling closer.
“Say what! I’ll work from home today, watch Ansh, drop Taran and don’t worry about lunch, we’ll order pizza, everyone happy, world at peace!
Diya heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh you darling angel, will you really? YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!” Planting a sound kiss on his nose, she happily hurried on to wake up the kids. 


Disclaimer: All characters in the Love in Frames series are fictional, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.


Copyright © 2016 KALA RAVI